Thanksgiving, and 4 days left of facial hair

It’s time to celebrate Thanksgiving.  I was able to come home today (Wednesday) to spend some time with my parents.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to come home and just hang with my mom and dad.  They just recently did a complete kitchen remodel, and this is the first time I’ve … Continue reading

weekly beard update … and some

Well, just a weekly update to let my few followers, and those interested in how “no shave November” is going … so here is this weeks pic: Onto other things … God has really been showing me several things lately.  It is exciting to consider all of the things that He may have for my … Continue reading

Through the years . . .

I thought these were too funny not to share.   Enjoy. A friend of mine sent a link to this site, you go and upload a picture of yourself, and it puts it into all of these poses/styles from the 50’s all the way up to 2000. . . too funny.

Retreat, then revival, and rest

This weekend is going to be a busy one for me, but to God be the glory!  I sometimes can’t believe that I can use something that I love so much (music) to serve, and honestly I am baffled and humbled every time someone asks me if I would be interested in leading at an … Continue reading

facial hair update …

It’s been a crazy week in the life of Eric Barb, so little time to write anything up here, but here is the weekly beard update…don’t mind all of the white hairs in there! any other “no shave november” updates out there?

If you could go anywhere …

Where in the world would you choose to go? I’ve been thinking a lot about travel lately as I’m preparing for our trip to Africa next month: buying supplies, making packing lists, etc.  I know that this trip is different from just taking a trip for leisure or for entertainment, but part of it fulfills … Continue reading

musings of a 29 year old …

I’m sitting here on the eve of the celebration of my 30th birthday, and several things are going through my mind.  I’ve lived a very blessed life that has included everything that has shaped me to be the person I am today. I wouldn’t be able to skim the surface if I tried to blog … Continue reading


I’m unsure what to think … I mean we’ve been going through this for months now, this campaign, these candidates, it seems like I’ve been bombarded for at least a year with television ads, mailers, e-mails, conversations, etc.  Now it’s over, the election is over, we have a new president elect, and I find myself … Continue reading

Big week.

It is a big week for me and for this country.  I turn 30 on Friday … eek. And tomorrow our country will elect a new president.  I don’t know about you, but I was done with all the mudslinging and “ad bashing” months ago.  So rather than add to it, rather than spend these … Continue reading