A lot…

A lot … has been going on since I’ve last updated. Seems like I’m not getting to write as many of these as I’d like to, but every time I feel like I have time to write something, its late, and I’d just rather get to bed. So, lucky for you (or un-lucky if you … Continue reading

Post about a 4 a 5 and a 1 1/2 …

The 4 is for the 4th of July! We traveled to St. Louis area to spend the day with one of the Collegiate Regional Directors for the Student Ministry team. He directs the greater St. Louis area ministries. His family lives on a horse ranch just outside of St. Louis. We went up on the … Continue reading


What’s the last scripture that you memorized? -E

mentors of faith

I’m meeting a lot of people this summer who are quickly becoming mentors in the faith. Our team is getting the incredible opportunity to sit with and visit with some really great guys who are working in ministry in different areas of the Missouri Baptist Convention. So far I’ve had the opportunity to work closely … Continue reading